The Foodie Doc Blog

Learn four quick nutrition tips to “spring clean” your body!!

This versatile and easy to make staple is a total pleaser! Super immune and antioxidant booster to boot.

Life isn’t canceled. Read on for some ideas to help reflect on this time and make the best use of it for your psyche and your health.

I’m so excited to share with you the last granola bar recipe that you will ever need. Mom to three kids who are often on the go, to and from practices, small snacking windows, we found ourselves often buying granola or “protein” bars from the grocery. We knew they weren’t always the most healthy, but they were convenient, the kids liked them, and it saved me a lot of time making granola bars that never turned out just quite right. Not chewy enough, not sweet enough, not sticky enough, wouldn’t wrap well enough…..

Eating healthy requires some home cooking and dare I say the “M” word — Meal planning. Keep it fun and turn it into a social event! Here’s how.

Learn everything you need to know about what an elimination diet is and how it might help.

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BASED IN asheville, 


veena somani md

integrative  lifestyle  coach